Extract From “Total Wellness” By Dr. Joseph Pizzorno (Prima Publishing, 1996)
Brought to our attention by Dr. Zoltan P. Rona.
The following information was taken from p. 156 – 157 of “Total Wellness” by Dr. Joseph Pizzorno (Prima Publishing, 1996).
Recent research indicates that Gilbert’s syndrome is due to an abnormality in the liver’s detoxification system, namely in the Phase II glucuronidation pathway. A 31% slower rate of glucuronidation has been reported in the typical person with Gilbert’s syndrome. Symptoms of this defect in liver detoxification are anorexia (loss of appetite), malaise (weakness), fatigue, a chronically elevated serum bilirubin level and a slight yellowing of the white of the eye in the absence of hepatitis. People who have this syndrome are more susceptible to toxic reactions to chemicals and drugs, both found in considerably higher concentrations in animal products than in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Those with Gilbert’s syndrome are also poor candidates for fasting, a process that stresses the liver’s detoxification sytems and can lead to the development of significant jaundice.
Drugs that are poorly metabolized by those with Gilbert’s syndrome include acetominophen, menthol, clofibrate and tolbutamide. Fluoride from drinking water, toothpastes and other sources can weaken the Phase II glucuronidation pathway and cause jaundice. In some cases, complete elimination of fluroide can reverse the jaundice of Gilbert’s syndrome.
The amino acid methionine, supplemented (500 – 1000 mgs. twice daily) in the form of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), can be helpful in treating Gilbert’s syndrome because it activates several Phase II pathways.
Petersdorf, R.: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine.
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1983.
De Morais, S.M.F. et al. Decreased glucuronidation and increased bioactivation of acetominophen in Gilbert’s syndrome. Gastronent 102:577-86, 1992.
Lonsdale, D.: Gilbert’s disease: Symptomatic response to nutritional supplementsin patients. J. Nutr. Med. 3:319-24, 1992.
Lee, J.R.: Fluoride linked to Gilbert’s syndrome. Cortlandt Forum 101:31-33, 1990.
Bombardieri, G. et al. Effects of S-adenosyl-methionine (SAMe) in the treatment of Gilbert’s syndrome. Curr. Ther. Res. 37:580-85, 1985.
An Extract From The 20-Day Rejuvenation Diet Program (Dr. Jeffrey Bland, Keats Publishing, 1997) Suggested to us by Dr. Zoltan P. Rona
Dr. Jeffrey Bland’s book, “The 20-Day Rejuvenation Diet Program” (Keats Publishing, 1997) deals almost entirely with dietary ways of reversing defects in the ability of the liver to detoxify, the major functional problem in GS. According to Dr. Zoltan P. Rona to date, this is the best researched book that he has found on practical ways of enhancing the health of the liver. On p.160 of his book, he provides a summary of the correct diet to use to enhance both Phase I and Phase II liver detoxification pathways:
% Protein – 20
% Starch (complex carbohydrate) – 50
% Sugar (simple) – 10
% Total fat – 20
% Saturated fat – <5 (these are found primarily in animal products: red
meats, eggs, dairy products, seafood)
He also discusses the use of micronutrients to boost energy (antioxidants, fiber, herbs, enzymes, amino acids, etc.). His web site is http://www.healthcom.com
The authors of Gilberts Web have found that the use of milk thistle is a beneficial way of enhancing the liver detoxification pathways. This has also been the experience of other sufferers of Gilbert’s Syndrome who have contacted us.